Aspects, Asteroids, Nodes, Parts, More

Aspects, Asteroids, Nodes, Parts, More

Info on aspects, asteroids, nodes, Arabic parts, and other factors found in the chart.

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Aspects, Asteroids, Nodes, Parts, More
  • The Vertex: Fate, Destiny, and Attraction, with Julene Packer-Louis

    The Vertex is the least conscious point in the chart, where "fated people and events" come into our life. In working with the Vertex for over 8 years, I have found that the reason it appears to be the least conscious is because these are our serendipitous encounters and events we bring about due ...

  • The Quindecile: Aspect of Obsession, with Colleen Coffey

    The quindecile, 165°, an aspect of the 24th Harmonic. Perhaps the most notable observation about this aspect of compulsion and obsession is that those who advocate its use are quite fanatical about its value in the natal chart, dynamics, and synastry.

    Colleen says she really did not need another...

  • Harmonics, with Christeen Skinner

    We can of course spot oppositions, trines, sextiles and squares with the naked eye. This does not invalidate other aspects. Several of these -- especially the 5th, 7th, and 9th -- tell us so much about a person's potential.

    In this talk we also look at the impact of the recent Neptune-Pluto sept...

  • Embarrassing Truths and How to Present Them, with Adrian Ross Duncan

    We all spend a lot of time concealing our demons, but when it comes to the crunch, out they come to create chaos. Every challenging aspect from inner planets to outer planets has a specific unwanted behaviour.

    For example, the Sun opposite Jupiter for this conference shows fantastic intellectual...

  • The Jack Fertig Memorial Lecture (Eris), with Karen McCauley

    A brief tribute to astrologer and activist Jack Fertig, who had recently passed away, followed by a lecture on Eris, one of Jack's favorite research projects. From Breaking Down the Borders Conference 2, December 1, 2012. Jack was originally scheduled to speak in this time slot at the conference.

  • The Plutonic Choreography of Squares and Oppositions, with Caroline Casey

    Knowing that we strengthen whatever we resist, we are invited to step into a more intimate dance with all the inner and outer dementors. Tibetan Buddhist practice guides us to imagine a laser beam emanating from our third eye, sizzling off the lock holding back the demons, and extending the invit...

  • Aspects to Your Angles: Why They Matter and What They Do, with Pat Geisler

    Pat Geisler takes a deep dive into aspects to the angles, explaining how they function and why they are important. Some can steer your entire life!

  • Active Aspects, with Kelly Surtees

    Where did aspect theory come from? Why is a sextile flowing? Why is a square so fractious? Re-visioning aspects, including an overview of the origins of the five Ptolemaic aspects, as well as a fresh look at how to prioritise aspects in practice. When is a trine more important than an opposition?...

  • A Look at Astraea, with Donna Van Toen

    Astraea was the last of the Pantheon to leave earth once it became clear that the mortals had succumbed to the nasties in Pandora's box. In your chart, she symbolizes where you can inadvertently get tangled up in other people's problems and where you will stay to the bitter end even after you're ...

  • Snow White and the Dwarf Planets, with Zane Stein

    Pluto and Eris were demoted, and Ceres was promoted, and they are now considered “Dwarf Planets.” A huge body out past Pluto has been given the nickname “Snow White.” While it sounds like astronomers have been busy watching old Walt Disney movies, all of these bodies are important astrologically,...

  • The Foundations of the Birth Chart: Elements and Archetypes, with Jennie Gilmore

    Astrology is traditionally seen as universally consisting of four natural elements: fire, earth, air and water. The elements are considered to be the foundation of all of life and are represented within the birth chart. When applied to human nature, the elements represent certain behaviors within...

  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Chiron, with Kim Rogers-Gallagher

    There’s a (relatively) new kid on the astrological block: Chiron. But what’s his story? Is he a planetoid, an asteroid, or a comet? How does his myth point to a spot in your chart where you’ll deal with addicts and addictions, tragic flaws, and the acceptance of imperfection?

    Through the re-tell...

  • Chiron and ADHD, with Joyce Hoen

    ADHD is rampant ever since Chiron was discovered. What does Chiron have to do with ADHD? And why are non-ADHD youngsters taking Ritalin to get high? And why are there statistically fewer ADHD persons in France where medical doctors do not use the DSM/IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Menta...

  • The Planets and Awakening, with Eric Meyers

    What is the evolutionary purpose of the aspects? What do we learn through the interchange of Gemini square Pisces, or Taurus opposed Scorpio? This lecture reviews the spiritual programs of every (major) aspect. Each sign actually connects with all of the others to reveal a striking template for o...

  • All Conjunctions Are Not Created Equal, with Adam Gainsburg

    All western astrology shares the round horoscopic wheel as its main tool. Yet how much of the celestial reality do our chart wheels portray? The truth is, not very much at all. This lecture first introduces the key “missing ingredients” of the living sky — Earth proximity, visual appearances, pla...

  • The Blessing of Ixion: Pluto’s New Lawless Brother, with Alan Clay

    Ixion and Pluto both orbit at an angle to the ecliptic in relation to all the other planets, spending half their time in the underworld. And the myth of Ixion tells us that this new dwarf planet energy in our chart knows no boundaries and is passionately focused on his own lawless goals. Why we n...

  • Finding Your Path in Life and Making the Most of It, with Maru Dieguez

    This lecture is about how to find your path within the chart.  It deepens into the nodes, considering the signs and position in the natal chart. This will help us understand in a bigger context our purpose in this lifetime.

    Prosperity doesn’t necessarily mean money. It has a wider perspective, a...

  • Sequential Conjunctions, with Frank Clifford

    When interpreting conjunctions, a useful tool to play with is the sequence of the planets involved. The planetary combination is always the key factor, but the order in which the two planets appear in the zodiac says much about how this pattern arises and unfolds in both the life and character. F...

  • ¿Qué es la Astrología Dracónica?, con Maria Blaquier

    Maria Blaquier explica brevemente qué es la Astrología Dracónica y cómo se puede utilizar.

  • Presentación Astrologia Dracónica en la NCGR México, con Maria Blaquier

    El zodíaco dracónico es de origen lunar y toma como punto de partida o 0 de Aries, la posición del nodo norte. Expresa motivaciones profundas, impulsos internos, memorias que subyacen y afectan la vida cotidiana del individuo.

  • Astrología Dracónica y las cartas natal a mellizos o gemelos, con Maria Blaquier

    Por mas de 20 años, María viene llevando a cabo una investigación rigurosa acerca de la posibilidad de diferenciar cartas de gemelos usando la astrología dracónica. En esta presnetación, expone sus resultados.

  • The Lunar Nodes and Their Dispositors, with Adam Gainsburg

    The lunar nodes and their dispositors are THE foundational statements of an individual’s pre-existing orientation to reality, whether framed as karma/dharma, genetic inheritance/expression, or personal evolution. A brief introduction to the nodes, their dispositors, and the intrinsic relationship...

  • Aspects and Complex Configurations: An Interior Conversation, with Erin Sullivan

    Planetary interactions in our horoscope are how we view the world from within our own self. Our “inner conversation” and external manifestation are based in elements, qualities, and modes. Aspects are looked at in various ways: all the complex configurations (grand trine, T-square/grand cross, yo...

  • A Different Angle on the Angles, with Roderick Kidston

    Ask an astrologer about the "angles" of the horoscope and they’ll promptly offer the ascendant and the midheaven, with maybe the descendant and the lower heaven thrown in as optional extras. But nobody tends to interpret planets in aspect to these latter two, it’s all about the rising and culmina...