Business and Financial Astrology

Business and Financial Astrology

Using astrology to understand business, economic, and financial cycles.

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Business and Financial Astrology
  • The Quality of Action, with Norma Jean Ream

    This lecture approaches Ptolemy’s method for analyzing the Quality of Action. This method inspects the condition of the inner planets and how they integrate with the societal planets through rulerships and placement to provide a substantive assessment of how one will go about being active and par...

  • Profit and Loss in Horary and Natal Astrology, with Elena Lumen, Ph.D.

    In this talk, Elena reviews important principles of delineating financial questions in horary astrology. Such questions may range between profit or loss in financial transactions, buying or selling property or stock, choosing best investment option among many, or determining if business idea coul...

  • Planetary Stock Trading: Group Analysis, with Bill Meridian

    This lecture demonstrates that stocks in the same group have strong shared degree areas that affect the movement of the entire group of stocks. For example, the airline group is dominated by air and fire.

    From 2014.

  • Venus and Jupiter: The Getting and the Giving, with Pat Geisler

    In this lecture, Pat discusses the charts of well-known people in terms of how Venus and Jupiter have brought them riches and/or fame. From 2012.

  • The Saturn-Uranus Cycle and the Real Estate Market, with Julene Packer-Louis

    This lecture takes a historical look at the housing and financing industry through the Saturn-Uranus cycle. Julene looks at savings and loan crises, falling housing prices, and oil crises (because oil plays a role in driving the economy and ties in more than once). She examines the legislature th...

  • Electing Decent Business Charts, with Georgia Stathis

    When setting up a business chart, what do you do? Do you just step into the process blindly, or do you have a plan that saves you and your client time and money? This lecture features some key components leading to an optimum outcome. Like any other thing in life, you have to have a structure in ...

  • Hell Hath No Fury Like Money Scorned, with Gregory Clare

    Gregory Clare says: "Astrology to me is best described as the symbolic language of the Cosmic Whole and as such we can make it relevant to Time and Effort. From childhood we are exposed to 'The Market.' As children we grow up conditioned to barter and negotiate. We learn from a very early age to ...

  • Using Your Chart to Market Yourself, with April Elliott Kent (4-hour workshop)

    A 4-hour workshop.

    For the typical astrologer, marketing sounds off-putting -- too calculated, too crassly commercial. But guess what: The minute you apply for a job, ask for a date, or yes, try to get someone to pay attention to your astrological products and services, you’re in the marketing b...

  • Pars Fortuna: You Can Thank Your Lucky Stars, with Olga Morales

    The lunar phase at your birth mirrors the soul’s development and potential for happiness, fulfilment and luck. Pars Fortuna is our emotional happiness objective. Astrologers have used Pars Fortuna for winning lotteries, betting on horse races and for successful enterprises. It is the most ancient...

  • Astrology and the Property Cycle, with Christeen Skinner

    This talk considers property cycles and synchronicity with the Sun-Moon cycle and includes examples of property sales and purchases and their planetary signatures.

    Christeen Skinner is author of The Financial Universe (published 2004) in which she forecast the banking crisis. She works in London...

  • Financial Patterns in the Birth Chart, with Christeen Skinner

    Money is a form of energy. The means of regulating its natural flow may be shown in the natal chart. A carefully respected flow of this current brings ease at every level, whereas distress and dis-ease comes through lack and over-concern.

    Using case histories, this talk explores how clients have...

  • An Introduction to W.D. Gann and Financial Astrology, with Olga Morales

    W.D. Gann was a legendary Wall Street trader and master astrologer. He discovered the connection between planetary cycles and speculative markets. Olga introduces and expands on the tools and techniques he left behind for future astro-traders.

  • Picking Winners with Astrology: The Astrology of Horse Racing, with Luke Bayley

    How many times have you been asked, “So can you tell me the Lotto Numbers?” This would have to one of the most misunderstood and propaganda-led public misconceptions of astrology that drives us all a little crazy.

    What started out as an exercise to determine whether the planets have a physical e...

  • Seven Steps to Finding Your Vocation in the Horoscope, with Linda Furiate

    How do we find the right profession that truly fits our needs? How may we recognize our true vocation and purpose, leading us to our real calling and potential?

    Vocation is typically connected with our real urge to realize our potential reaching our true goals in life allowing us to transcend th...

  • Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity, and Calling, with Brian Clark

    The term "vocation" epitomises the quest to find your authentic voice in the world: the work you are meant to do, the work you love. It is greater than emotional security, financial remuneration or worldly success; more than a job, a career or a pastime. And astrology is an ideal career counsello...

  • Vedic Astrology and Career Selection, with Alan Annand

    Angular planets, which affect the 1st house or the 10th, invariably provide clues to the best career options for any individual. In turn, certain combinations of two or more planets provide more specific indications of career. This technique, applicable to both western and Vedic astrology, is eas...