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Watch this video and more on AstrologyFlix: The Astrology Video Collection

Forecasting with Firdaria, with Kelly Surtees

Predictive Techniques

Up Next in Predictive Techniques

  • Pluto In Aquarius: Earth to Air Chang...

    While Saturn in Aquarius gives us a preview from 2020-2023, it is when Pluto enters Aquarius that we reach a collective turning point, which some consider the undeniable entry into the Age of Aquarius. Its trine to Uranus in Gemini from 2026-2027 will show us how good it could be.

    But with Pluto...

  • Taming Transits, with Samuel F. Reynolds

    Considering transits from traditional and modern perspectives, Reynolds discusses from his 30 years of experience and studied consideration, what makes a particular transit important in your life? He also highlights what are the various ways that we can contend with their ephemeral nature with le...

  • Divination Theory and Practical Astro...

    Is practical astrology divination? This question has become something of a hot potato, with psychological and archetypal astrologers joining together with died-in-wool traditionalists to declare the straightforwardly objective nature of our art’s symbolism and its results. We cover in detail the ...