Predictive and Therapeutic Astrology: The New Alchemy, with Greg Bogart
Predictive and Therapeutic Astrology: The New Alchemy, with Greg Bogart
1h 44m
Astrology has always involved prediction, but the implications of that term have evolved over time. Astrology was once concerned almost exclusively with foretelling future events in a very fatalistic fashion. In the early 20th century, however, the humanistic approach to astrology of Dane Rudhyar and others turned the focus away from strict prediction and more toward interpretation.
What does a particular event (i.e., a transit, progression, etc.) mean in terms of an individual's personal growth and evolution? From this perspective, it is the person's response to the event that is just as important -- if not moreso -- than the event itself.
Greg Bogart's experience as a humanistic astrologer and a licensed psychotherapist enable him to explain predictive astrology as the descriptor of a process of individual development.