Personal Astrology

Personal Astrology

Astrology from an individual perspective: personal issues, individual counseling, career and business matters, etc. Techniques for interpretation a birth chart. Meanings of the signs, planets, houses, and other points.

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Personal Astrology
  • Venus and Mars Are Alright Tonight, with Rick Levine

    In a natal chart, what can the cosmic lovers by sign, house and aspect tell us about a person? What do they say about relationships using synastry? If men are from Mars, why is Venus in their charts at all? If women are from Venus, what does that say about Mars? Do Venus and Mars hold the keys to...

  • The Vertex: Fate, Destiny, and Attraction, with Julene Packer-Louis

    The Vertex is the least conscious point in the chart, where "fated people and events" come into our life. In working with the Vertex for over 8 years, I have found that the reason it appears to be the least conscious is because these are our serendipitous encounters and events we bring about due ...

  • The Quindecile: Aspect of Obsession, with Colleen Coffey

    The quindecile, 165°, an aspect of the 24th Harmonic. Perhaps the most notable observation about this aspect of compulsion and obsession is that those who advocate its use are quite fanatical about its value in the natal chart, dynamics, and synastry.

    Colleen says she really did not need another...

  • The Psychology of Prediction: Fatalism in the 21st Century, with Christian Borup

    Astrology is the sublime art of prediction. If free will ruled supreme, there would be no reason to do astrology. If fate ruled supreme, then why can’t astrology predict everything?

    This lecture explores ways to reconcile the modern psychological worldview with classical predictive techniques. T...

  • The Astrology of Happiness: An In-Depth Look at the 4th House, with Joni Patry

    The 4th house is the one of the moksha houses meaning spiritual liberation. The water houses 4, 8 and 12 are the most misunderstood houses of a chart because they rule the mysteries of life. On the surface the 4th house is known to signify home, security and mother. But there is a much deeper lev...

  • The Magic and Mystery of Childhood, with Gloria Star

    Exploring the astrological chart of a child requires a different approach. Children are works in progress, and they are only beginning the journey of personal development.

    As one of the unique areas of her work as a professional astrologer, Gloria has written books, articles, and even astrologic...

  • The Astrology of Body Issues, with Kira Sutherland

    Is there a person alive that doesn’t have issues with body image, weight control or self-esteem? Why is it such a struggle to love the body we are in, and how can we be kinder to our bodies rather than fight against them?

    In this lecture, Kira takes you on a journey of weight issues, body image,...

  • Progressing the Birth Chart, with Greg Bogart

    The birth chart is not a fixed or static structure. It implies movement, growth, and evolution, which can be measured by various techniques of planetary progressions.

    Utilizing the natal and progressed charts of several workshop participants, Greg demonstrates how an astrologer can look at any c...

  • Prenatal Progressions, with Joyce Hoen

    With this technique, we dig up some of our family history which we inherited in our genes prior to birth, and are influenced by in our life, as per our charts. We use plenty of examples as well.

  • The Phases of Saturn, with Ani Bettati

    The cycle of Saturn has clear manifestations in our lives, because this energy develops the spinal cord of our growth and allows us to integrate higher levels of all the natal chart. The energy that activates Saturn through the 12 phases enables us to become totally conscious, and overcome concep...

  • Modified Solar Return (MSR), with Gregory Clare

    The ascendant, Sun and Moon are used to calculate the Lot of Fortune. Thus using this formula we can begin to understand how a ternary or threefold relationship is formed.

    In this lecture, Gregory demonstrates another way of casting solar returns. This method was touched on some years back by Ro...

  • I've Got a Feeling: First Impression Horoscope Judgment, with Richard Smoot

    The computer prints the chart in seconds. You only have an hour or so to do your consultation. Who is this person behind the chart and how do I begin to piece my understanding of the person and the chart together?

    Before your in-depth chart analysis, first impression judgements of the horoscope ...

  • How Do Your Prenatal Eclipse & Lunations Shape Your Life? with R. Hakan Kirkoglu

    Although there is not extensive material on prenatal eclipses and their relation to our life stories, Hakan considers them especially useful in pinpointing major life themes for astrological counseling when it is used side by side with the natal chart. The themes of the sign of the prenatal eclip...

  • How to Get the Most from Your Stellium, with Donna Cunningham

    Donna Cunningham draws on a lifetime of experience with her own stellium and two multiple conjunctions to share strategies and practical tools she developed for realizing the potentials and avoiding the pitfalls of these planetary concentrations. Helpful for people who have them, and for astrolog...

  • Harmonics, with Christeen Skinner

    We can of course spot oppositions, trines, sextiles and squares with the naked eye. This does not invalidate other aspects. Several of these -- especially the 5th, 7th, and 9th -- tell us so much about a person's potential.

    In this talk we also look at the impact of the recent Neptune-Pluto sept...

  • When the Chart Says "No," with J. Lee Lehman, Ph.D.

    If we are honest about it, the old cartoon, "If my natal chart were a horary, the answer would be no!" is true. This fact should not be disturbing to us as astrologers, but instead should be the demonstration for why our craft is so needed to understand life. A statement of "no" is merely the rea...

  • Determination of the Proper Natal Eclipse, with Bill Meridian

    One can only know the personal eclipse path by following Johndro's rules. This lecture reviews and applies these rules so that you will know which eclipse and path is yours for life.

  • The Plutonic Choreography of Squares and Oppositions, with Caroline Casey

    Knowing that we strengthen whatever we resist, we are invited to step into a more intimate dance with all the inner and outer dementors. Tibetan Buddhist practice guides us to imagine a laser beam emanating from our third eye, sizzling off the lock holding back the demons, and extending the invit...

  • Curiosity Killed the Cat: Astrology as a Way of Life, with Monica Cromhout

    Astrology is a topic for intense study, one which engages the mind in delightful and fascinating ways. The more we study, however, the more we are drawn to think beyond the boundaries of our present life. When our curiosity takes us beyond those boundaries -- like a cat using up its nine lives --...

  • Compatibility: It's More Complicated Than Sun Signs, with Michael Munkasey

    It's actually more complicated than just about anything else too! After years of studying this subject, I think that astrology does not "measure" compatibility, but it does make valid assessments of attraction and tolerance for another. In the past 40 years over 50 books have been written on "as...

  • Clarifying All Levels of Intimacy Through the Love Asteroids, with Pemo Theodore

    Do you ever feel limited trying to understand the complexities about how we relate and our needs in relationship by looking at Venus, the Moon and the 7th house? Do you really want to get to the heart of relationship issues? The Love Asteroids provide incredible detail and clarity when looked at ...

  • Becoming Whole, with Maria Kay Simms

    By understanding the ancient elements (fire, earth, air and water) and polarities (masculine, feminine) as they are used in astrology, you gain a highly significant key to chart analysis. As you gain a deeper understanding of this underlying symbolism of the signs and of their corresponding proce...

  • Astrology for Spiritual Guidance, with Rod Suskin

    Astrology is frequently approached as a guide to the spiritual life, but much of what is offered to the client is frequently based on broad new-age generalities and contemporary ideas about modern planets and planetary ages.

    In this lecture, Rod makes use of classical techniques to reveal how as...

  • Aspects to Your Angles: Why They Matter and What They Do, with Pat Geisler

    Pat Geisler takes a deep dive into aspects to the angles, explaining how they function and why they are important. Some can steer your entire life!